Our Mission

Unconditional love (Agape) multiplied (X) by Christ’s followers (Collective) = a better world.

Jesus gave all his followers the command known as the Great Commission: to take his words and share them throughout the world; to take his unconditional love to all people.

Our mission at The Agape X Collective is to complement the lives of Christ followers by surrounding His believers with reminders of key points of their faith and conversation-sparking lifestyle pieces.

Welcome to the family, and welcome home. ♥


God is love.

It is His wish that everyone would be saved. He gave us free will, because without free will, it is impossible to truly love.

When sin entered the world through free will, it corrupted the world. Everyone is born into a corrupt, sinful nature. That is the default, due to sin being in the world through free will. Everyone has the choice to stay on their default path, doing what they see as right in their own eyes, or to detour toward God and unlimited, unconditional love.

It is His will that everyone would choose love! He wants it so profoundly that he sent his only created son, Jesus, into our world as a person, to walk among us, and ultimately to die and resurrect for us. In his death, he paid the price for our sin.

Ever since Jesus' death and resurrection, we can choose Him and completely shed our default nature! Thanks to His monumental sacrifice and gift of the Holy Spirit, we can live with Him victoriously right now here on earth, as well as for all eternity in Heaven.


  • Help followers of Christ create lifestyles that invite Him into our minds every hour of the day
  • Show followers of Christ how easy it can be to study the Word more (Verse of the Week) to hear the voice of God more often
  • Show followers of Christ how to spend more time in relationship with Christ
  • Build a community of Christ followers around the world who truly love and support each other
  • Remind followers of Christ that they’re not meant to blend into this world
  • Help followers of Christ understand how sanctified they truly are through Christ and that they have access to SO MUCH MORE than they thought, right here on Earth
  • Grow into domestic and global mission work